onsdag den 24. april 2013

Exchange is....

" Exchange is change. Rapid, brutal, beautiful, hurtful, colourful, amazing, unexpected, overwhelming and most of all constant change. Change in lifestyle, country, language, friends, parents, houses, school, simply everything. 

Exchange is realizing that everything they told you beforehand is wrong, but also right in a way. Exchange is going from thinking you know who you are, to having no idea who you are anymore to being someone new. But not entirely new. You are still the person you were before but you jumped into that ice cold lake. You know how it feels like to be on your own. Away from home, with no one you really know. And you find out that you can actually do it.

Exchange is thinking. All the time. About everything. Thinking about those strange costumes, the strange food, the strange language. About why you’re here and not back home. About how it’s going to be like once you come back home. About who’s hanging out where this weekend. At first who’s inviting you at all. And in the end where you’re supposed to go, when you’re invited to ten different things. About how everybody at home is doing. About how stupid this whole time-zone thing is. Not only because of home, but also because the tv ads for shows keep confusing you.

Thinking about what’s right and what’s wrong. About how stupid or rude you just were to someone without meaning to be. About the point of all this. About the sense of life. About who you want to be, what you want to do. And about when that English essay is due, even though you’re marks don’t count. About whether you should go home after school, or hang out at someone’s place until midnight. Someone you didn’t even know a few months ago. And about what the hell that guy just said.

Exchange is people. People who actually talk to you. Those people who know your name, even though you have never met them.
And those people who invite you to their homes. Who keep you sane. Who become your friends.

Exchange is music. New music, weird music, cool music, music you will remember all your life as the soundtrack of your exchange. Music that will make you cry because all those lyrics express exactly how you feel, so far away. Music that will make you feel like you could take on the whole world. And it is music you make. With the most amazing musicians you’ve ever met. And it is site reading a thousand pages just to be part of the school band.

Exchange is uncomfortable. It’s feeling out of place, like a fifth wheel. It’s talking to people . It’s trying to be nice all the time. It’s BUGS. It’s cold, freezing cold. It’s homesickness, it’s awkward silence and its feeling guilty because you didn’t talk to someone at home. Or feeling guilty because you missed something because you were talking on Skype.

Exchange is great. It’s feeling the connection between you and your host parents grow. It’s knowing in which cupboard the peanut butter is. It’s meeting people from all over the world. It’s having a place to stay in almost every country of the world. It’s cooking food from your home country and not messing up. It’s seeing beautiful landscapes that you never knew existed.

Exchange is exchange students. The most amazing people in the whole wide world. Those people from everywhere who know exactly how you feel and those people who become your absolute best friends even though you only see most of them 3 or 4 times during your year. The people, who take almost an hour to say their final goodbyes to each other. Those people with the jackets full of pins. All over the world.

Exchange is falling in love with this amazing, wild, beautiful country. And with your home country. Exchange is frustrating. Things you can’t do, things you don’t understand. Things you say, that mean the exact opposite of what you meant to say. Or even worse…

Exchange is understanding.

Exchange is unbelievable.

Exchange is not a year in your life. It’s a life in one year.

Exchange is nothing like you expected it to be, and everything you wanted it to be.

Exchange is the best year of your life so far. Without a doubt. And it’s also the worst. Without a doubt.

Exchange is something you will never forget, something that will always be a part of you. It is something no one back at home will ever truly understand.

Exchange is growing up, realizing that everybody is the same, no matter where they’re from. That there is great people and douche bags everywhere. And that it only depends on you how good or bad your day is going to be. Or the whole year. And it is realizing that you can be on your own, that you are an independent person. Finally. And it’s trying to explain that to your parents. Exchange is dancing in the rain for no reason, crying without a reason, laughing at the same time. It’s a turmoil of every emotion possible.

Exchange is everything. And exchange is something you can’t understand unless you’ve been through it ! "

tirsdag den 23. april 2013

Andet kamera..

Fik pengene tilbage for det kamera, som jeg fik i fødselsdagsgave.. Derfor har jeg nu fået købt det, som jeg altid har ville have.. Canon sx260 HS.... og så er det lige 1000 kr billigere! :)

Her er et bare billeder jeg lige har taget med det:

De her billeder er så taget næsten helt zoomet ind! Det har nemlig 20x optical zoom! :)

søndag den 21. april 2013

Birthday and camera??

Yayy så har jeg fødselsdag i dag! 16 år :-) :-) 

Fik dette Canon S110 af mine forældre... eller jeg var selv med ude at købe det igår! Eftersom de ikke havde det kamera, som jeg gerne ville have (canon sx260), spurgte vi ham sælgeren, hvilket et der så kunne være godt.. og det her var så, hvad han anbefalede. SKOD!! Vil virkelig gerne have det byttet, synes slet ikke farverne er særlig pæne(ser syg ud på alle billeder, da farverne er helt grønne/gule i kontrasten.. foretrækker mere lyse og naturlige farver!).. og desuden er det vildt indviklet! Kan ikke finde ud af, hvordan man ser optagelserne, hvordan man sletter billeder OSV. Virkelig dårligt kamera i forhold til, at det kostede 3000 kr!!!! Kan ikke anbefales. 

fredag den 12. april 2013

Host family

Jeg fik så en lille overraskelse her igår! Der er nemlig ikke kun 3 børn i familien, men 7!!! De 3 ældste går på college, og kommer derfor kun hjem i weekenderne. Ellers er der tvillingerne og hende på min egen alder.. men der er også en lille dreng på 2 år. Jeg får meget svært ved at lære deres navne, da de alle sammen hedder Caley, Celey, Cyler, Camey, Codey osv... virkelig forvirrende! Men jeg har skrevet med Camey (på 19), Caley (på 16) og moren, der hedder Mary. Mary har så åbenbart 8 søskende, der bor rundt omkring i USA. Derfor skal vi både til Californien, Colorado og Texas for at besøge dem! Så jeg kommer nok i alt til at besøge 6 stater og måske endda flere, da Mary arbejder i et rejsebureau. Jeg har så også siddet på google maps for at se deres hus, men det viser sig, at de har solgt det og skal flytte her til sommer.. lige inden jeg kommer! De siger, at jeg selv kan bestemme om, jeg vil have mit eget værelse, eller om jeg vil dele værelse med Caley, da hendes værelse er meget stort.. Og det er jeg faktisk lidt i tvivl om, hvad jeg vil.

Caley har sin egen bil (en jeep), som vi nok kommer til at køre meget rundt i.. bl.a. ind til storbyerne for at gå på shopping! Det er nemlig noget Caley og Camey godt kan lide (og det kan jeg jo også, især når det er så billigt derovre!!). Caley skrev også, at der kun går omkring 130 elever på den high school, jeg skal gå på(som hun også går på)... hvilket er vildt underligt. Jeg havde virkelig regnet med, at der ville gå over 1000!

Nå, men det var ellers bare lige lidt opdatering om familien. Jeg skal allerede afsted ved d.20 juli, hvilket er meget underligt, da skolen først begynder en måned senere... så det må være en fejl. Men det vil jeg i hvert fald lige tjekke op på her snart.

Ps. jeg har hørt, at der både kommer en udvekslingsstudent fra Hong Kong og en fra Tyskland, der skal gå på min high school!

onsdag den 10. april 2013

Host family

YAYYYY så har jeg fået værtsfamilie!!!!!

Jeg skal bo i Kansas, Galva(vores udvekslingsstudent siger, at der nogle gange er mange tornadoer!!!!) med et forældrepar, 2 tvillinger(en pige og en dreng) på 12 år og en pige der er 16.
Den high school jeg skal gå på hedder Canton high school!

Lige nu har jeg ikke rigtigt flere informationer, men jeg skal nok opdatere bloggen, når jeg får skrevet med dem! :-)

Jeg har ca. 1 times kørsel til den største by, Witchita

.. Og ca. 2 timers kørsel til hovedstaden, Topeka. 

Og... kun omkring 3 timer til staten Oklahoma!!